Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, deals with the vibration of molecules. Each functional group has its own distinct vibrational energy, which can be used to identify a molecule through the combination of all of the functional groups. When infrared radiation is passed through a sample, some radiation is absorbed by the sample and some is transmitted. The resulting signal at the detector is a spectrum representing a molecular ‘fingerprint’ of the sample. The usefulness of FT-IR is that the different chemical structures (molecules) produce different spectral fingerprints, which could function as a signature pattern.
- Environment: Analysing soil, monitoring air and water quality to address environmental and health concerns.
- Food : Rapid determination of the trans-fat content of manufactured food products using Attenuated Total Reflectance (U-ATR).
- Polymers and plastics: Quickly and definitely identify compounds such as compounded plastic, blends, fillers, paints, rubbers, coatings, resins and adhesives.
Instrument Specifications
- Make: Perkin Elmer Inc, USA
Technical Details
- Wave number range: 350-8300 cm-1
- Resolution: 0.5 cm-1
- Wavelength accuracy: 0.1 cm-1
- Wavelength precision: 0.01 cm-1
- ATR: ATR with monolithic diamond crystal
- Detector: High intensity ceramic light source with hotspot stabilization
- Software: Spectrum IR
Sample Requirement
Solid : ~50 mg (powder)
Thin film : 1.0-1.5 cm
Solution : ~5 ml, Solvent must be specified for solution studies.
- Any kind of solid sample, powdered samples and thin films can be analysed but avoid carcinogenic/corrosive/ infectious material/highly acidic or alkaline samples which may affect the optical components.
- Samples should be homogeneous and well packed in the sample holder so that it will not spill out and fall on the lens.
Analytical Charges
- KSCSTE Labs: Rs.190.00
- Edu. Insti.: Rs.380.00
- Govt R&D Labs: Rs.760.00
- Industries: Rs.1140.00
- Rates for sample analysis, Service tax -18 % extra.