UV-Visible Spectrophotometer> UV/Vis spectrophotometers are usually dual-beam spectrophotometers where the first channel contains the sample and the second channel holds the control for correction. A spectrophotometer has two fundamental parts: a source of radiant light and a monochromator. Monochromator is placed between the light source and the sample which disperses the radiant energy into a spectrum. A slit is also fixed which selects a narrow portion of the spectrum. The standard cell or cuvette is placed in a light-tight-unit. The incident light strikes the standard cell and emergent light passes into a photocell. The photocell changes the emerging light energy into measureable electrical energy.


  • Qualitative analysis and quantitative determination of UV/Vis active analytes, namely, organic compounds, biological macromolecules, etc.
  • Drug identification and nucleic acid purity checks and quantitation, to quality control in the beverage industry and chemical research, etc.

Instrument Specifications

  • Make: PerkinElmer
  • Model: Lamda 650

Technical Details

  • Double beam
  • Wavelength range (190-900nm)
  • Light source: Deuterium- Tungsten Halogen lamp
  • Detector: Photomultiplier tube
  • Software: UV Win lab Double beam

Sample Requirement

Solid: ~50 mg (powder), Thin film: 1.0-1.5 cm, Solution: ~5 ml. Solvent must be specified for solution studies.


  • Any kind of solid sample, powdered samples and thin films can be analyzed but avoid carcinogenic/corrosive/ infectious material/highly acidic or alkaline samples which may affect the optical components.
  • Samples should be homogeneous and well packed in the sample holder so that it will not spill out and fall on the lens.

Analytical Charges

  • KSCSTE Labs: Rs.55.00
  • Edu. Insti.: Rs.110.00
  • Govt R&D Labs: Rs.220.00
  • Industries: Rs.330.00

  1. Rates for sample analysis, Service tax -18 % extra.