High Performance Thin Layer Chromatograph (HPTLC)> This is an enhanced form of thin- layer chromatography to automate the different steps, to increase the resolution achieved, and to allow more accurate quantitative measurements.

The advantages of automation, scanning, full optimization, selective detection principle, minimum sample preparation, hyphenation, and so on, enable it to be a powerful analytical tool for chromatographic information of complex mixtures of pharmaceuticals, natural products, clinical samples, food stuffs, and so on.


  • Finger print profiling, Qualitative & Quantitative analysis
  • Determination of active ingredients in herbal and pharmaceutical formulations.
  • Analysis of food and spices etc.

Instrument Specifications

  • Make: CAMAG
  • Model: Linomat 5

Technical Details

  • Automatic/Semiautomatic band application
  • Automatic spectrum scanning for identification and purity check
  • scan speed 100mm/sec@25µm resolution
  • wavelength range 190-900nm
  • Software: VisionCATS

Sample Requirement

Minimum 3-5 ml in liquid form


  • Extract should be weighed 10-20 mg and give in eppendorf/ vial without dissolving in any solvent.
  • For standards give minimum 2-5 mg, give preparation method and remaining standard can be collected back.
  • Mention the sample information including solvent used in extraction, mobile phase (method) etc.

Analytical Charges

  • KSCSTE Labs: Rs.1100.00 (1650.00*)
  • Edu. Insti.: Rs.2200.00 (3300.00*)
  • Govt R&D Labs: Rs.4400.00 (6600.00*)
  • Industries: Rs.6600.00 (9900.00*)

  1. Cost for Profile with % area report per plate is given without bracket.
    *Cost of Quantification Per plate is given in bracket.
  2. Rates for sample analysis, Service tax -18 % extra.